Botox Myths

Botox. Most of us think we know what it is and what it does, but there are also a lot of misconceptions on what Botox is and what it does—and does not do. Over the years, I have heard a lot of misinformation. So let me, Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner and Miami botox and filler specialist at smith & co, help you tell the facts from fiction when it comes to Botox. 

Myth No. 1:

Botox is Dangerous

Botox is in fact safe and effective. The drug in Botox has been researched for more than a century. It also has FDA approval and is used to treat patients with bladder issues, excessive sweating, migraines and neurological disorders. Not just wrinkles.

Myth No. 2:

Botox Injections Hurt

Yes, Botox is injected with a needle. And yes, needles aren’t always pleasant, but Botox is injected with small needles and only tiny amounts are given. To say it hurts is an exaggeration. The reality is Botox feels more like a pinch than anything. 

Myth No. 3:

Botox Results Happen Immediately

Actually, it takes anywhere from 3-10 days to see the results from Botox. It takes time for Botox to relax and reduce facial muscles’ movements.

Myth No. 4:

Botox Lasts Forever

While I wish that was true, sadly, it’s not. Botox results last three to six months. Botox is a commitment of the ongoing variety.

Myth No. 5:

Botox Will Freeze My Face

Botox will only temporarily “freeze” your face if that’s how you want it to look. Your injector has the ability to “freeze” your facial motions per your desire. Remember, the results don’t last forever and more or less can be applied per your desires.

Myth No. 6: 

Botox Is Just For Women

Actual, fine lines and aging happen to everyone, which means Botox can help both men and women. Looking and feeling your best is genderless. It’s what everyone wants.

Myth No. 7

Anyone can inject Botox

Botox should only be injected by someone who is trained to inject Botox. Remember, Botox is a drug. And while it is safe and effective, it needs to be administered by someone who is a professional. Someone like me, Danielle Smith, Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner

Myth No. 8

You can build up an intolerance to Botox

Only about .5 percent of patients show any kind of immune response to Botox. And that happens because the body breaks down the Botox injection quicker than most people. But, by and large, most people will not develop any kind of resistance to Botox.

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